Worship takes place on Sundays at 10:15 a.m.
For more information, please contact us.

First Church of Lombard
Coming together to be God’s faithful people
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Welcome to
First Church of Lombard
First Church of Lombard, United Church of Christ, is called together by a vision of God’s shalom, God’s wholeness, justice and peace. We commit to model a community of faith and spirit that works toward unity, openness, understanding and peace, offering love, justice, healing and wholeness for all people.
Learn about First Church of Lombard
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We’d Love to Connect!

Our Worship
Why Worship with First Church of Lombard? In these days of uncertainty, of joys and of challenges, a place of worship can be a safe harbor for many. At First Church we believe in a joyous worship not only for the individual, but for the community as a whole. We welcome all on their faith journey, with the idea that in our diversity is our strength.
Come join us in that journey.

Worship times
We Are the First Church Family
Thoughtful Stewardship. We at First Church of Lombard have a rich history of being keenly aware of the strength in our purpose of faith and the maintaining it for future generations.
Joyous Worship. We at First Church celebrate the power of a worship that is not only joyous, but is life affirming. In our words, our actions, we share that joy through our community
nFirst Church of Lombard prides itself with its ongoing service, to the church, its members and its community. From assisting those in need, to being a leader in our commuity.
Hello First Church Family!
Welcome to the First Church of Lombard blog. This is our first post. We will be posting about events, news, interesting happening, as well as ideas, thoughts and inspirations for you on an ongoing basis! As they say, "Watch this space"!